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Band Banquet
One Drop
Call Back

This video was made in celebration of the accomplishments of Olathe Northwest's Bands and the students who participate in them. With pictures of the band and individuals, interviews of the senior band members, and music from throughout the year, it highlights the Olathe Northwest bands' greatest moments. 16 seniors were interviewed for 15 minutes each, and over 15 hours were spent downloading and organizing photos, and editing. The project was a success, and was well recieved. It was shown at the Band Banquet and prior to graduation.

Winning first place at the Olathe Human Relations Commission Martin Luther King Jr. Competition, this video was made in collaberation with a group of eight people. Each group member took on a film industry job such as Project manger, writer, cinemetographer, and producer. It started with an idea for a metaphor, lead to filming in the studio at the same time as two other groups while calling actors out of other classes, spending two nights editing, and eventually getting first at the contest.

This video was made in a similar fashion to One Drop, except that it was made by a team of one, besides actors, and voice actors. It won second place in multimedia at the Olathe Human Relations Commission Martin Luther King Jr. competition. The theme was "Love Illuminates Life." We all have a light to share.

While this video doesn't have the best writing, this is an example of great camera work. Filming was done in downtown Kansas City, the Nelson Atkins Art Museum, and the Nerman Art Museum. This was a final project that was to include the line "we're lost, but we're making good time." Shots were intended to have a reflective mood.

For our first semester final we are given three days to make a short film based on a prompt. The prompt for this video was "Forgetting/ Remembering." It took 15 hours to plan, film, and edit. The story isn't the best, but this showcases my editing skills.



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